At the Docks offers waterside recreation unmatched anywhere else in London and includes a line-up of unmissable outdoor arts and cultural activities, from international artists and local communities alike.
From 27th July until 18th August, why not join us At-the-Docks and immerse yourself in a new side of the city.
We’re taking a green tour of the Royal Docks this week showcasing the projects, buildings and people championing a just transition.
Don’t miss At the Docks this summer, a spectacular season of world-class leisure, arts and culture at the Royal Docks.
The Royal Docks Team (RDT) is looking for accessible, fun and creative activities and workshops for Royal Docks Summer Splash as part of our Summer Programme.
Last year we launched At the Docks, showcasing the best things to do in summer at London’s unique waterside destination.
Australasian inspired all-day restaurant and bar opens at Royal Victoria Dock.
There are so many ways you can have a great time in the Royal Docks without spending a penny. Check out our guide to some of the best things to do in the area completely free!
Wrap up warm and head to the Royal Docks this winter.